Approaching sunset in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, Fourth of July weekend:
Fred induling in a snack on the trail at Acadia National Park in Maine over the Fourth of July weekend:
By later in July, the new guy was learning to make himself at home. Atticus, who I nearly hit with my car in May, now comfortably ensconced in the canine crew in Willsboro:
Homer found a warm spot on a cool day early in the growing season:
Jewels for the garden. Thank you, Pat!
Ridiculously cute. On the bench are Choli and Mike, Deb and Darryl's dogs. On the ground, Fred, Atticus and Homer, in the garden:
Despite the wet summer, the tomato plants did pretty well:
A bee on one of many beautiful zinnias at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt historic site in Hyde Park, NY:
You've noticed some sunshine in these pictures, but usually with the sun - and all that wet - came mosquitos. The boys had to soak up the sun where they could:
The old homestead is right pretty in the summer. My yard is amazingly park-like:
In vino veritas. Fred got so sick of the mosquitos that he took to surfing the net and, ultimately, acquiring a taste for a good dry riesling:
These fellas sure know how to put a smile on mommy's face, despite all that crap weather: