Monday, April 8, 2013

Roger Ebert

More than any movie star ever could, Roger Ebert epitomized what the movies mean to me.  He was a great writer, his Pulitzer Prize wonderful proof of that.  But to really understand how great a writer he was, spend some time at this link and read some of his blog posts.  Yes, there are typos, but that is something I can certainly forgive considering the wealth of fantastic subject matter he chose to hold court on.  He was a brave man and a good man, and I will miss him.  I will keep the link to this blog here for a while.  I have quite a backlog of blog posts that I still need to get to.

Rest in Peace, Roger.

And read this post from Roger's wife Chaz.  He lived a long life, and in spite of all his medical difficulties these last ten years, a good life.