Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Favorite Blogger Gets a Big Shout-out

As most of you are aware, I just love Andrew Sullivan. His blog, The Daily Dish, is being covered by colleagues while Andrew is on special assignment last week and this week, but the fellas at The Dish linked to this great commentary on Andrew and his coverage of the Iranian elections and the continuing revolution. Here is the beginning of the commentary, followed by the url for the rest. And remember, you can always go check out Andrew from my link here, just over on the right.

The future belongs to Andrew Sullivan
Andrew Sullivan's coverage of the unrest in Iran was the blogosphere's moonshot, a feat of grit and daring heralding a new era in cyberspace. It was also a preview of journalism's future. Or seemed to be.

I couldn't help but notice that Andrew Sullivan wasn't blogging this past week. I noticed it in the same way one might notice a large sinkhole in the front of the house - something big and important was missing, and in its place was a void. Having been neither a particular fan nor detractor of Sullivan's long-ago tenure as editor of The New Republic, I'm a little surprised by how deeply I admire and rely upon his blog, the success of which seems at once a harbinger of a bright future for journalism and a sign of just how tenuous that future could be.

Read the rest of this commentary here:

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