Friday, October 2, 2009

The National Parks - America's Best Idea

Oh my, what a wonderful series this was. Ken Burns can do no wrong, I do believe. Even when he is only acting as a producer, as he did with the brilliant documentary series "The West" about the great stories of the settling, and dislocating, of the American West, his presence is felt - passionately - throughout. His heart was evident in this series, as producer and director, and as one of the people working the camera in capturingvistas of America. I read some brief comments that Ken Burns made about making this particular series, about how special it was to be on this adventure with his own children, showing them the wonders of the great landscape of this country. I find it amazing how he is able to find just the right people to present the stories, how they are so eloquent and impassioned and plain interesting in the telling of the his chosen topic. One of the interviewees who was most interesting is also the writer for the series, Dayton Duncan. He also wrote the series "The West". So interesting, as were all of the people who spoke, and all of the heroes of America who worked so hard, and endured so much to protect these important places across our country.

I pulled a list of the national parks, all 58 of them (this does not include national monuments, seashores, waterways, battlefields and other sites that are also included under the umbrella of the National Park Service). I have only been to 8 of the national parks. As it turns out, that's a big number compared to other people I've spoken to this week. I really do need to work on increasing that number. I've been to a lot of the monuments and other entities of the Park Service, but I'd still like to see more of these, too.

One day.

Two of the national parks that were featured are Arches and Canyonlands in southeastern Utah. This area of the country is just full of incredible sights. Here are just a few:

My day at Arches started out in bright sunshine with brilliant blue skies:

As you can see from the picture of this gnarly tree, the skies grew ominous. This change occurred over the course of one short hour.

These last three shots above were from Canyonlands National Park. It's a pretty spectacular place. I have not yet been to the Grand Canyon, but there is so much beauty in these smaller canyons, I'm not convinced I need to go to the Grand Canyon.

But I still want to!

But there is so much more to see.

I also got this shot of a coyote who was hanging around waiting for someone to throw something from a car on the way our of Canyonlands.

There is so much to see. I can't wait to head out west again, but watching The National Parks makes me want to head to any of the great national parks, not just the ones out west.

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