Monday, November 17, 2008

Ramblings on the week ahead

For someone who is currently not working I sure do manage to pack in a full week on occasion. This morning I am awaiting the arrival of Larry my bathroom contractor. The expansion of the half bath to a guest suite with a full bath is complete and now I have to pay for it. Ugh. :-( But that's okay, I knew it was coming. A long time coming. But it's done and it's lovely and it's particularly lovely to not have to share a bathroom with my sister, when I don't have guests, of course.

This afternoon I take Miller to the groomer. While he's being groomed so will I; I am overdue for a haircut.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is my last class in the Cornell University Essex and Clinton County's Cooperative Extension's Master Gardener Volunteer program (boy is THAT a mouthful). :-( I LOVE this class and don't want it to end. I spent yesterday afternoon with two of my compadres in the class, sisters who live in Crown Point near the Champlain Bridge. They are two of SIXTEEN children. Yikes! I stopped at Flo's place first to tour the family farm (and visit with her husband and son and beautiful Collie Sparky) and then we went over to Jeannette's to have lunch with her family. We three have been commiserating (re: griping) about the fact that the gardening class had to end. But we have a year's worth of volunteering coming up, including monthly meetings, so that will be cool.

Wednesday will be Bailey and Fred's turn at the groomer. I can't do all three of them together - that would surely drive me to drink (more). And they are overdue for their grooming, especially their nails, so I fit them in as soon as I could. Separately, thank you very much.

I may or may not have an evening event for members in my area this Thursday. There are active groups over in Burlington, VT but none over on this side of the lake, so, if I get any RSVPs, we'll have a gathering. We'll probably have some champagne in celebration of the elections. Champagne has been an ongoing theme at my house since the election, as those who are in the know might already have surmised.

I think Friday is open.

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