Friday, June 26, 2009

Such Sweet Dogs

I'm sitting here in front of the fan, trying to stay cool in this silly heat and Homer walks over to where Bailey's resting in one of the big dog beds. He steps up on the bed, walks in a circle, and lays down right next to Bailey. How sweet. It's so adorable how Homer wants to be everybody's friend. Fred has finally warmed to him and is playing regularly with the new boy. Homer's still clumsy and learning how far he can go with each of the guys, but things are settling in nicely. Homer has since left the bed and is laying in a ball on the ottoman in front of me while I type. I can see Miller on the floor in front of one of the fans, Fred is napping on one of the smaller dog beds, and Bailey hasn't moved from his spot where Homer was napping with him before. These guys bring such joy to my life, even in moments like this when all they're doing is sleeping. They are nice dogs. I can't get over how good I've gotten at picking them from the shelter. Or maybe it's just luck. I'll take that kind of luck any day. And no, Bailey hasn't miraculously become a good boy, but he is awfully sweet, which makes up for his many faults.

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