Well, another year has come and gone. I've been hearing people say that they hope 2010 is a better year than 2009. I have to admit that except for losing Bailey, I don't really have any major complaints about 2009. It was a major transition year for me, where my income was reduced by a serious amount. This lowering of my household income was purposeful, as I from here on out will always be, at minimum, semi-retired. It is a challenge, especially when your roommate doesn't come through with the expected monetary contribution!
Another major change: my status as a Master Gardener volunteer. This has been something that has brought lots of positives into my life. Good people who are excited about spreading the gospel of good gardening practices. My favorite part of this was the success of my own vegetable garden. What a wonderful thing, to walk out into your yard and pick fresh vegetables and herbs to take directly to the kitchen. It was a learning experience, for sure. And of course, the late blight with tomatoes this year was such a disappointment. I will make changes in the garden - no oregano, more beans, eggplant rather than squash - and hope for a better year for tomatoes.
My sisters and I all met up in Charleston, SC for Spoleto Festival in May. I love this festival of music, dance, theater, art and artisans. It's a wonderful atmosphere: sophisticated but casual. My sister Deb is treating me this year to another visit for my 50th birthday. I love Charleston and all of my friends there.
It was a mixed up emotional year on the dog front. I lost my dear Bailey. He was a big guy who lived eight years, six of them with Dana and me and Miller, Boo and Fred. He was a pain in the butt but also a sweet, sweet boy. And he also spent time with my new arrival, Homer, who I adopted from the Elmore SPCA once we returned from Spoleto Festival. He's a joyful boy. He and Fred are well on their way to becoming the best buds that Bailey and Fred were, or that Miller and Boo were.
Miller is getting up there in age: he will be 16 years and 8 months old on January 20th. I recognize that my time is short with him, so all conscious efforts are to make sure he's happy and getting the attention he deserves. He's been the best dog, a wonderful companion. He's been mine since he was 9 months old. As everyone who knows me is aware, all of my dogs are adopted from shelters or the local SPCA. Miller has been around for every home that I've ever owned, and has been brother to Boo, Goofy, Bailey, Fred and Homer, and cousin to Bernie, Menolly, Piccola, Gigi, Puccini, Boomer, Murphy, Lira, Merlin and probably a couple of dogs I've forgotten.
Snow up here in the north country has been something to get used to. It's not hard, really, because I do love the snow. I love watching the dogs romp in the snow. I love the way it sits on the boughs and catches in the bark of the trees. I even like shoveling it. And the vistas up here after a good snowfall are absolutely stunning.
So, I have mostly fond memories of 2009. But it's true, there is nothing wrong with hoping that the next year will be better than the last. And for all of those people who have had a hard time of it with the economy, or have had to deal with the loss of a family member, like I did with Bailey, or who miss loved ones who are away in the military, I truly do hope that 2010 brings better things.

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