Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I know that so much of the country finds the snow irksome, to say the least. I was just saying the other day how happy I am with my first winter in upstate New York. I guess a big part of why I like it so much is that I'm not working right now. I get to enjoy all the good things about the snow. First and foremost: Fred is riotously funny when he really gets going out in the back yard. I've shoveled paths throughout the back yard because the first snow we had was pretty substantial and I couldn't imagine how the dogs were going to get anywhere in it. I was especially concerned for Miller, as he is 15 1/2 and not as steady on his feet sometimes as the other boys. But Fred LOVES the paths and he zooms up and down and across the yard and it's so fun to watch. And sometimes he decides he wants to bounce through the high snow, and that's fun to watch, too.

The second thing is that it's just so damned pretty. I'm surrounded by trees in my wonderful yard and we have had small snowfalls in amongst the big storms and there is always new snowfall that just cleans everything up. Very beautiful. I have had no issues keeping up with the shoveling, no thanks to Dana. Dana has definitely not done her part in the shoveling department. And I've got a guy here who comes to plow the driveway and the car area for $25 a shot. That is a bargain, especially compared to what it cost me to get my small driveway plowed in Glassboro. So far this winter I've only had to pay $75 for plowing. In New Jersey, for ONE plowing of my driveway, I paid $175.

So, my day today will be a little reading and a little writing, watching the snow fall and watching the dogs play. And shoveling. And cooking beef stew. It should be a nice day.

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