Saturday, November 15, 2008

Prop 8, Gay Marriage, and Why Can't People Mind Their Own Business?

I just spent a little time over at Andrew Sullivan's blog, looking at all the photos and reports coming in from the hundreds of protests organized throughout the country in protest of the passage of Prop 8 in California and other restrictions against gay and lesbian freedoms in other states.

I have always had what I think is a very simple and straightforward question about this: Why is it my business if someone wants to get married? Isn't that something that really is only the business of the two people engaging in marriage? Okay, maybe their families and closest friends can have some impact - though no real say, because, like, it's none of their business, either - but really, this is a private issue. Gays and lesbians marrying has absolutely nothing to do with how YOU (or I) choose to lead your life, get married in your own right, have or adopt and then raise your children. I will never understand why anyone thinks they have the right to tell me what to do. You can have an is, after all, a free country. But what a gay or lesbian couple does has zero impact on YOUR life. Why should it?


Dutch said...

Can't agree more. My question is: Why should I care if 2 men or 2 women want to marry? Don't we have more important things to worry about. It's a ruse to get people to NOT think about what's really important.

AngryKook said...

I think it's George Bush's fault. :) Even though it was Obama's supporters that shot it down in California.

(Hi Denise, John Piechoski here. I'm going to bookmark the blog and get the RSS feed. I expect hourly updates.)