Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bring it on!

Well, I am ready for the new year. It's not that I didn't have a good 2008 or anything. I made the big move up to the Adirondack Mountains and I am enjoying being up here so, so much. But with the coming inauguration of Barack Obama as president of the United States I feel renewed hope that we as a country can get back to the job of helping ourselves as well as the rest of the world. I hope that means an end to the war that has bled us dry of the funds that we so desperately need to fund research into disease and crippling medical conditions so that the future looks more like the future that we saw ahead before these last eight years of George Bush took away so much of the hope and promise of our country. It is like we are eight years behind in medical, other sciences and technological research. I like that we have a president-elect who is a self-professed geek. I think that bodes so well for all of us.

On the home front, Christmas was nice and we're celebrating the New Year a little early tonight with homemade pizza...and champagne, of course. We have had a significant snowmelt over the last few days. It was flurrying a few minutes ago, and now the sun is shining brilliantly. I've got to run Miller over to the vet for a check-up, so I've got to sign-off for now.

I hope everyone's Christmas was great, and Hannukah, too. Kwanzaa if that's what you celebrate. And have a great 2009! Cheers. Denise

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