Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let it snow

The bad news is that it's kind of a dark day. It started out relatively warm, but it's gotten colder as the morning has gone on. The good news is that turning the lights on on the Christmas tree and watching the pretty snowfall behind it outside the picture window makes you totally not care that it's overcast. It doesn't feel dark or dreary but bright and cheery. I love the snow. I just brought the dogs in from a walk and it had rained steadily earlier, wiping out all evidence of yesterday's snow. I suspect this snow could make the roads messy, but I'm in for the day. I have two things I must do today: 1) prepare the dough for the cookies Dana and I are making for Deb's concert on Saturday (it needs to chill before it can be spread out for the cookie cutters tonight), and 2) bake an apple cake for my Christmas gathering Friday morning with the Master Gardeners group. Seems like a good day for baking.

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