Thursday, March 26, 2009

Howdy Neighbors

My neigbhors were walking through the woods, heading home after taking a walk with the kids and the dog. I was in the yard with the boys, and Bailey and Fred went bonkers barking at them. Shocking, I know. Miller was like, "What up?" They came to the fence, thinking that maybe if the dogs met them, saw them, that those crazy woofs would calm down. Snort. Well, they only had eyes for Nitro, my neighbors' wonderfully gorgeous Great Dane. They gave me the terrible news that they had to put their other Great Dane, Sapphire, down last week. She had bone cancer and she had deteriorated rapidly. It's so sad. Nitro and Sapphire were quite the pair. But my neighbors said that Nitro had been feeling out of sorts with Sapphire now gone. I invited everyone into the back yard to see how the dogs would get on, and to just have a visit.

What a great time we all had. My three guys got on famously with Nitro. Fred and Nitro played. Bailey and Nitro played. Nitro sniffed all of my dogs, and they all sniffed back in return. Fred zoomed around, showing off his toys (and his athletic skills). The kids had fun, Fred got lots of petting (he's very soft!) and we had a really nice chat. My neighbors were so happy to see Nitro playing with the other dogs; he'd really been down since losing his best pal. We broke up the party when it started to drizzle, but we made plans to have another play date real soon.

I just love the dogs.

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