Monday, March 9, 2009

Oh, Phooey!

Yes, Tom and Dolores, the weekend was beautiful. Really beautiful. And fun. I spent a few hours with some Master Gardener brothers and sisters at The Wild Center in Tupper Lake. We had fun talking about extending the gardening season, and it was so nice seeing some of my friends from the Cornell Cooperative, but the true find of the day is The Wild Center ( ). It is the 'Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks' and wow are there some great exhibits. And they have an otter tank! Oh, they are so cute. When they're all stretched out, swimming from one end of the tank to the other, they so reminded me of Fred. See?

Isn't he just the cutest boy? Look:

Good heavens.

Anyway, back to the weekend. The Wild Center, a must see.

Then Darryl and I went to a concert at The Recovery Louge in Upper Jay. We saw Tom Akstens and Neil Rossi. They are musicians and singers who perform country, folk, bluegrass type music and are full of fun stories of the musicians they've played with over the years. They each played four different instruments throughout the course of the evening. Very impressive. They will be performing at Caffe Lena in Saratoga Springs in October. I may just head down to see them again, they were that enjoyable.

On Sunday - remember, another beautiful day - I made a roasted vegetable soup and Darryl came over to have some. Dana wasn't all that crazy about the soup, but I thought it was tasty, so did Darryl, and after dinner we went outside to see the damage that some damned woodpecker is doing to one of the giant trees out back and also to let the dogs play a little. They loved being outside; they always love playing with Darryl. We looked over the fence and saw a huge pile of sawdust and chips from the havoc the woodpecker has been wreaking over the winter on that poor tree. Ugh. The melt was coming along nicely; not too much, too fast, you know?

And now we are getting another five inches of snow today. Grrrr. Or, rather, phooey!


Tom and Dolores said...

Your weekend sounds quite wonderful! It's nice to hear you too seem to be welcoming spring even though you enjoy the cold weather and snow personally it's been enough bring on the warmth, beautiful flowers, green lawns...

Denise V. said...

Oh, yes. I loved the snow, but I am definitely ready for spring. Bring on the green, and not just for St. Patrick's Day!